
Command Cheat Sheet

Docker commands

Create a container

This will download the official Ubuntu container from Docker Hub and grab the version marked with the bionic tag.

sudo docker run -it --name docker-host --rm --privileged ubuntu:bionic

--name = name the container (in this example: docker-host) so that I can recognize my container in the list (sudo docker ps)

--rm = removes if there's a running process with the same name then runs a new one

docker run = we're going to run some commands in the container

-it = make the shell interactive (so we can use it like a normal terminal.)

Get running containers

sudo docker ps

Get all containers (including stopped containers)

sudo docker ps -a

Get into a running container

This will let you run arbitrary commands inside an existing container.

sudo docker exec -it <mycontainer> bash

-i = Interactive mode (such as when starting a bash shell)

-t = Pseudo-terminal (aka pseudo-tty)

Attach (me) to a running process

sudo docker attach <container_name>

Stop a running container

sudo docker kill <container_name>

Remove a container

sudo docker container rm <container_id>

Remove all stopped container

sudo docker container prune

Remove a docker image

sudo docker rmi <image_id>

rmi = remove image

Print image history

sudo docker history <image_id>