
Command Cheat Sheet

Git Commands

Print remote repository

git remote -v

Git remote add

git remote add origin <destination>

Git remote remove

git remote rm <destination>

Creating a local branch that tracks a remote branch

git checkout --track origin/branch_name

Deleting a local branch

git branch -d local_branch_name

Stashing changes

git stash

Retrieve stashed changes

Applies the changes and leaves a copy in stash

git stash apply stash_name

Applies the changes and removes the files from the stash

git stash pop stash_name

Checkout a remote branch

git co -b <local_branch_name> origin/<remote_branch_name>

// e.g. git co -b client origin/client

Set git stash list to inline mode (not pager mode)

git config --global pager.stash 'false'